On Tap Website

On Tap Website

This project involved the redesign of a website for a company that designs and develops websites.

The design was done by a third party and I performed the majority of the development work necessary to implement the design and functionality. The website uses the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a custom theme.

Freelance Website

Tonic Health Website

This project involved converting an existing static website into an editable WordPress site for a company that creates patient intake and contactless check-in software.

I performed the majority of the development work necessary to migrate the design and functionality to the WordPress platform, via a custom theme.

Freelance Website

Fit Bottomed Girls Website

This project involved redesigning a website for a popular lifestyle blog.

As part of the redesign, three other blogs operated by the client were merged into a fourth blog, and then a new design was applied to the merged blog. The design was done by a third party and I performed all of the development work necessary to implement the design and functionality. The website uses the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a custom theme.

Cartegraph Website

Cartegraph Website

This project involved developing 40+ pages as part of a complete redesign of a website for a company that builds software to track and maintain municipal infrastructure.

I worked on this project as an employee of Cartegraph. The design was done in house and I performed all of the development work necessary to implement the design and functionality. The website was built on the ExpressionEngine platform.

The website has since been moved to the HubSpot CMS platform but still retains much of the original design and functionality.

On Tap Visual Design Website

Union Resource Marketing Website

This project involved the creation of a new website for a marketing firm in Lenexa, Kansas.

I performed all of the development work necessary to implement the design and functionality. The website uses the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a slightly customized, premium theme.

Unfortunately this version of the site is no longer in use.

On Tap Website

Fit Bottomed Zen Website

This project involved the creation of a new website for a digital content provider.

The design was based on other websites owned by the client, and I performed the development work necessary to implement the design. The website uses the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a custom theme.

On Tap Website

Hilary’s Eat Well Website Redesign

This project involved updating the design of and adding new features to an existing website for a natural foods company in Lawrence, Kansas.

The design was done by Biklops, and I performed the development work necessary to implement the design and additional new features. The previous website used the Drupal platform but was converted to use the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a custom theme.

On Tap Website

Gabriele Law Firm Website Redesign

This project involved updating the design of an existing WordPress based website for a law firm.

The website design is based on a premium WordPress theme, with a few custom modifications, and the updated design was applied via a child theme.

On Tap Website

Fit Bottomed Eats Website Redesign

This project involved updating the design of and adding new features to an existing website for a digital content provider.

The design was done by Useagility, and I performed the development work necessary to implement the design and additional new features. The website uses the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a custom theme.

On Tap Website

Fit Bottomed Mamas Website Redesign

This project involved updating the design of and adding new features to an existing website for a digital content provider.

The design was done by Useagility, and I performed the development work necessary to implement the design and additional new features. The website uses the WordPress platform, and the design was applied via a custom theme.